Ok, ok, I know you’ve been clamoring for some hand picked links so I’ll take time out of my busy schedule just for you.  Yes you and that other guy.  Both of you.

This is possibly the funniest thing ever.  Why exactly did the Jets want Cromartie?

The Football Girl takes a look at Golden Tate’s late night bout with the munchies.

NFL Fanhouse gives us their top 25 fantasy quarterbacks.

Thought I’d give you a taste of real football with this play by Derrick Mason in week 14 of last season.

Athlon Sports has a new league format that allows you to have college and NFL players.  I say nay!

With the retirement of Jeff Feagles we bid adieu to Tecmo Super Bowl.  I’m tearing up.

Cold, Hard, Football Facts takes a look at passing through the ages.  A good read.

Fantasy Depth Chart takes a look at the 2010 Tennessee Titans. Grab a Ringer for a CJ backup.

Brad Childress isn’t happy about Adrian Peterson Day.  Maybe he should just put this on a loop and shut it.

CBS Sports.com looks at the NFL schedule through fantasy colored glasses.

I did an interview with Fantasy Football Challenge.  They must have thought they were calling Jermaine Gresham, not Chet Gresham.