Out here on the fields. He fights for his meals. He puts his back into his living. And then he gets wasted! And says something really dumb that you probably shouldn’t click on while at work. Deadspin, ya couldn’t censor the word in your title? What the Eff…see? You can get the point across without actually saying it. Neverthewho! It seems that our media darling Riley Cooper has torn the fantasyniks asunder. One side of the camp will tell you he’s been extremely lucky with the production he’s had since week 6. I mean, he’s only averaging 6 targets per game during that span. Want a little perspective on how low that is? Well, over the last 4 weeks, he’s outscored Demaryius Thomas (10.75 TPG), Pierre Garcon (10.5 TPG) and AJ Green (11.5 TPG). So somehow, he’s squeezing similar or better production from 40%-45% less targets. REGRESSION ALERT! Right? Well, maybe not so fast. You see, chemistry is a crazy thing between QB and receiver. This Foles to Cooper love affair could be spotted last year as the season wound down and has carried into this year. It’s not just that Foles likes throwing to Cooper because he’s a great receiver – I don’t think he is – or because he’s especially fast – he’s not – but because he trusts him. Trust goes a long way in those relationships. I have no doubt Foles and Cooper would excel at a marriage retreat with trust exercises. Catch me Coop I’m falling into your loving arms! That’s Foles. He calls him Coop, trust me. All this to say, Foles is willing to throw dangerous passes Riley’s way because he knows he’ll fight for them. Plus Cooper has this going for him: he’s not the best receiver on his own team. But, but Sky…you said to buy him…why would I not want the best receiver on the team? That’s the great thing about Riley and his situation. He doesn’t have to be to get results. DeSean pulls the toughest corner more often than not, the ground game threat usually keeps the safety playing up tight and Cooper is left by his lonesome to do some damage against the second best coverage player on the team. And because this topic is getting ridiculously long, I’d like to finish with a few notes. Consider this the lightening round portion of your reading info-tainment. Since becoming a starter, Foles is averaging 26.4 attempts per game. Remember when we all said ‘these stats can’t be sustained because of low target totals’? Well, Cooper has been 22.7% of Foles’ targets during that span. Perspective? Aforementioned DT has been 22.7% of Peyton’s all year. Yup, for as explosive as the Eagles offense has been for the year, many forget they’re a run-first team and Foles hasn’t had to attempt many passes to garner the success he’s had. Oh and Cooper’s last game was regression? FUGGEDABAHDIT. Dropped a would be 40+ yard bomb of a touchdown and got dropped at the one inch line for another TD opportunity. Cooper is as real as he needs to be, just had a ‘bad’ game and is on bye. BuyBuy O’Riley indeed. In other buy/sell news for 2013 Fantasy Football…
Russell Wilson – Yeah, I’m heavy on the bye buys this week but it’s that perfect time of year. So many teams fighting and clawing to make the playoffs, ya need to find the edge somewhere. I’m not saying you’re gonna get Wilson cheap, per se, but he’s been the 4th best QB on the year as of now (5th best last 4 weeks) and with Harvin in town, I’m expecting another great stretch run from RW3. Not the easiest stretch of the season for Wilson so this call is strictly based on talent of both the QB and the team surrounding him. If they’re selling for 75 cents on the dollar because they need someone now and you need a QB to help you in your playoff push, get a little DangeRuss.
Nick Foles – See 1/4th inch above. Nope, you went 1/2 inch, that’s too high for RW3. Yup, short joke. I see a top 5 QB down the stretch or at the very least top 7. Oh and BTW, guess who is tied for 4th in rushing yards among QBs in the last 4 weeks? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Yup, Foles tied with Smith with 99. I sometimes use stats when I talk about stuff. It makes me look more smarter.
Rashad Jennings – I keep hearing ‘should I drop McFadden?’ from the readership. I feel bad for y’all, I really do. Now I’m not saying to drop Limp DMC for just anything but if Roughshod stays healthy, I’m having a hard time believing Darren regains his role on a team looking to possibly move on from him this off-season. Though his playoff schedule is less than appealing, the offense is minimal enough to keep Rashad involved in the passing game moving forward. Fringe RB1? Maybe. More likely just a solid RB2 to finish your ride into fantasy glory out on. For some reason I’m picturing you riding in on a chariot in flaming suits a la the Hunger Games. It just seems like you so much.
Alfred Morris – I hate repeating myself. Andy by repeating myself with Morris, I’m repeating myself. One of the better RB setups down the stretch and he’s in no danger of losing his job. His worst game over the last 4 was 93 total yards and he’s been the 5th best back during that stretch according to yahoo rankings. Remember when I said he’d finish as a top 6 or 7 RB? YUP. The Butler did it with a few touchdowns in Dallas for a Fantasy Football Championship in week 15. Tim Curry would be proud.
Torrey Smith – I’ve admitted my hatred for Torrey heading into the year. But that was then and this is now. You wanna win your last few weeks? Well how about MIN, DET, and NE? Sound nummy? Yup, Smith’s fantasy line during the playoffs will be like children’s chrewables: easily digested and probably shaped like Fred Flinstone. Yabba dabba do.
Drew Brees – Did you just feel that? What was that? It felt like the Earth shifted beneath me. Was it an Earthquake? An atomic bomb? Did Oprah Winfrey just sneeze? That wasn’t a fat joke, BTW. It was a God joke. MUCH less offensive. But I digress, I know what that rumbling was. It was all of you. Standing up, leaving your computer and moving on. EFF this guy you’re saying. He doesn’t know what’s up! He doesn’t know how this game is played! Yeah, yeah, I get it, this is an unpopular sell call. But let me be clear here. Carolina twice and the Rams nestled in the middle. That’s your playoff matchups. Are you really comfortable with this? The Panthers have played on a high level most of the year. Now I’m not saying Brees won’t get his points but there’s something that we haven’t talked about enough around Drew and we need to: the offensive line. Not as protective as it has been in the past. He’s taken some shots that I don’t remember seeing prior to this year. And that Panther front? Yeah, it’d deadly. Illegal in 49 states and maybe even a few territories. I’m not expecting him to fall off the map but maybe you get an upgrade where you need it somewhere for him and either play matchups down the stretch with guys like McCown and Fitzpatrick – yes, I’m suggesting it and yes it’s a viable option – or you undersell yourself and take on a guy like RG3 or Foles plus a little bit more because it’s Brees and NO ONE sells Brees, right? Anyways, it’s that time of year. You have to start weighing playoff options vs name brand options. Do they match or can you do better? I think if you’re wanting Mardi Gras victory beads, Brees ain’t gonna help ya.