Yeah, I name dropped but can you blame me? The Piano man is fantasy royalty. He’s the Prince Charles of fantasy sports with better teeth and slightly less dumbo-y ears. Well anyways, now that we’ve covered that, let’s cover info about the actual draft. It was a 12 team PPR Auction draft with a $200 cap and a guy out there I was drafting against named Scott Pianowski. Yes, I’m putting him in the tags and he will be mentioned at least 20 more times before this post is over. I keed, for the rest of the info you need to know, the league is fairly standard otherwise but for the positions in the starting lineup: 1 QB, 3WR, 2RB, 2 RB/WR/TE, 1 QB/WR/RB/TE. I’m sure I didn’t put things in the right order in those brackets but who cares, I was drafting with…ok, you get the point I’ll stop now. All and all, I was happy with my draft but for a few areas that will either be glaring or pan out just fine. One was the QB situation. Now had I known Tony Romo was going to go for $15, I would’ve jumped in the bidding but he was the first QB out of the guys behind Vick to hit the board. Chances are, if I started bidding on him, he would’ve jumped up to the $25 to $30 price range anyway. A couple of bids after him, Eli Manning went for $30 which was $2 more than what Michael Vick went for. And of course, my one true fantasy football love in Matt Ryan went over $25 and at the time, I just couldn’t afford it with the other needs I had. Since Rivers was still on the board at that time, I thought I’d be safe but here I am with Ben Roethlisberger and Ryan Fitzpatrick for $24 total. In the end, QBs went for way more than I wanted them to, leading me to struggle with diving in when they did come up. Wish me luck there, folks, I might need it. The only other issues were trying to get Brandon Marshall to go at a more reasonable price and ended up holding the bag at $29. Not that I didn’t get a good talent for that price, but I already had Larry Fitzgerald for $33 and didn’t really need to spend another $30 on WR. It obviously changed how I viewed my WR3, which you can see below. Other than that, I put $2 on Pierre Thomas and then went to grab a beer. When I came back, I thought someone else had nabbed him because I couldn’t believe I got him for that little. Instead it took me 5 rounds to realize he was on my team. There are worse things, especially considering I don’t trust Mark Ingram to stay healthy nor be all that effective but it was a bench RB I didn’t intend to have. Other than that, Louis Murphy probably surprises you. Yeah, it did me too. He was my last pick and he was in my queue at the top and it got to me faster than I thought it would. Now of course if Steve Smith tapers off this season and Murphy goes off in his absence you can look back at this and realize Sky was the only person out there who’d even have Louis Murphy in his queue and say ‘man, what a Nostrafrickindamus that guy is’. I’m probably dropping him after this week. Oh well, outside of that, I’m fairly happy with my RB situation. Yes, CJ2K isn’t going to return to the form he was a couple of years ago but he should have a shot at top 5 running back when it’s all said and done. Getting Adrian Peterson and Toby Gerhart for a total of $32 makes for a pretty cheap RB2 with the potential to be worth way more by the end of the season. Considering I wrote a sleeper post on Gerhart, it’s clear I don’t feel put out if AP isn’t back straight away. Overall, I wanted RBs that could promise me at least 40 receptions apiece given a full workload and feel I more than met that quota with the guys I grabbed. In any case, have a perusal of a team that I landed while I was drafting with a guy named…oh right, I guess that’s been covered.