Countless times you and I have spoken about the NFC East derp levels, only because these levels are affecting our lives faster and more pronounced than that of global warming and Donald Trump’s hair thingamajig. But with Washington looking somewhat competent today, and I say “somewhat” just for the mere fact that I’m so surprised of said competency (focused mainly in the first half), that I’m not even sure it actually happened. It could all be made up! But regardless, even with the Giants doing sorta what the Giants do, it’s fair to say our normal derp levels are running low, here comes the Dez Bryantless Cowboys and the always innovative (except when they are super innovative) Eagles, here to quench our derp-thirst. Which sounds like a great name for a porno blooper reel.
The rest of the afternoon includes the Ravens and Raiders, and the Florida matchup no one wanted but I guess we had to have, the Dolphins at the Jaguars. So yeah, I guess Cowboys and Eagles it is…