We’re into the second week of the Fantasy Football playoffs (at least, for most of you) and there’s really not much else to say. Last week was essentially our last week of regular season content, and things will get just a bit tad lonelier around these parts. Much like my parts! But that’s okay! At this point, rankings are about the only important aspect that we all need to focus on. And everyone has their own way of interpreting rankings… It’s pretty much a straight-forward exercise there could be in game; a numerical ranking of players that are completely without context, in a vacuum if you’ve seen the term. So remember to add that context yourself. The rankings are there to help guide your starts and sits, but it doesn’t take into account your opponent. Nor does it consider the ceiling or floor of your players, simply the median. So do keep those things in mind, and in addition, I want to add that this is the main reason why each and every Razzball contributor is happy to answer any and all questions from you guys, at any point in the season. To give that “context”. So I guess what I’m saying is… can I context you bro?

Be sure to check out our Start and Sits for today’s games here, along with Rudy’s updated projections for Week 14 by clicking here. And as always, my updated rankings are available after the jump!



Select the “Flex” tab if you need a more complete picture to decide your starts and sits. Use the “OP” tab for 2QB Leagues. And you can access our Half PPR and PPR rankings using the drop down box in the top left of our rankings when you select the RB, WR, TE, or Flex positions. Any and all questions will be answered below…