See, some would go with a Doors reference here and tell you this is the end, my Razzball friends, the end but I’m gonna do you one better. I’m gonna tell you it’s the end of the road and though you can’t let go, these football writers have gone from Boyz II Men over these past couple of months. Wow, that was a lot of musical references to start this post off with. Anyways, to catch the rest of you up, we have been doing a little thing all summer called ‘The Next Great Fantasy Football Writer’ in which we team up with FanDuel Insider to find a man of great fantasy football knowledge. Ok, it didn’t have to be a man but since we didn’t get any female submissions we can say that without sounding sexist. Overall, it was a fun ride but like most rides, you have to pay someone and they eventually tell you to get off…hrm, I wasn’t going for innuendo but I found myself there anyway. With that, let’s dive in…you fell for it! I simply want to remind you that we’re doing our 2012 Razzball Football Commmenter Leagues this year. That previous link will tell you what you need to do to either create a league or what leagues are currently available while this link here will tell you why it would be a cool thing to do. And with that, let’s corral TNGFFW up for 2012 by talking about round 5 results and our overall grand champion.
2nd Runner-Up: Zoran Maleganovski
Your article idea was interesting in that it was going to be a bit Seinfeld-ian in nature by making it be ‘Weekly Non-Fantasy Advice’. I can only imagine the wit you’d drop in that type of article considering the wit we’ve already witnessed, but it would be pretty hit and miss with your audience, all depending on the week they’re having. Of course, as you’ve no doubt noticed I squeeze in as much extraneous stuff into my posts already and I can’t have someone coming along and taking my job!
1st Runner-Up: Kevin Kumpf
Your idea of ‘The Fantasy Football Chameleon’ had a strong premise and I could easily see it working overall. An article encompassing the ‘odd’ leagues would be intriguing and you’d probably build a lot of it based on what responses you got from your readers, which is actually a great way to approach. Only concern that came to mind was you would be trying to please a lot of people with your article. It’s like trying to order pizza for 10 different people and asking them all what they want on it. I know Pizza places will do halfs and even fourths with toppings but I don’t know if they’ll do 10ths. Like we said, strong working idea but we’d maybe have to iron it out a bit.
Round 5 Winner: Josh Carey
Hey, I recognize this guy. He’s the one that won (homophone stutter!) round 4 with his Morgan Freeman impersonation that he didn’t intend. Your submission this week was to a Jeopardy-type of ‘game’ article in which you’d list players like a Jeopardy question…which is really an answer…why exactly do we call it a question then?!? Sorry, got lost there. You’d start it off with some knowledge regarding the player in that Jeopardy style and then go on to reveal the player and then say if they’re a yay or nay for the given week. Very smart and a clean article idea that I might steal I really liked as it would fit the Razzball style well.
Ok, now that we’ve covered that last and final round it’s time to review how 2012 played out for TNGFFW:
2nd Runner-Up: Jeff Loudon
You were in it most weeks as you know from your two ‘1st runner-up’ placings proving you don’t have to win a week to be in contention. I still think your Hollywood idea would’ve won if Vitale hadn’t been such a cheater. That said, we really appreciated your participation and hope you had as much fun as we did.
1st Runner-Up: Josh Carey
You came late to the party but didn’t let your foot off the gas pedal when you arrived, going from Honorable Mention to winning two weeks in a row. If we hadn’t had the consistency from the overall winner below, we might be talking about a different result right now. All this to say, we really liked what you did and strongly suggest you keep up with this whole writing thing cuz, well, you’re pretty good at it.
Winner: Kevin Kumpf
Consistency. That just might be your middle name, although then it would’ve been spelled Konsistency because it’s clear your family likes K’s though they really should’ve thought about your initials when they did that to you. Neverthewho! There wasn’t a week in which you didn’t submit and to top that off there wasn’t one in which you weren’t in the top three. It’s clear we liked ya from the start but in a five round contest, that doesn’t mean much. Each and every week, you put your best freshly washed foot forward – thank you for that – and it showed. We look forward to working with you this season as the 2012 TNGFFW. Congrats!