Just in case you missed it (aka, didn’t scroll down a few inches… that’s what she said), I delved into my rankings in a new series called “Rankings Revisited“. There, you can find an expansion of how well or how bad my weekly numbers did, and that’ll be the place to berate or praise my prowess. I would say that this has been a rough start, but if there wasn’t a history of success, and the fact that (and I checked to make sure) last season, my first two weeks were none-too-spectacular, I’m not worried. Last year, I ranked 54th in the first week and 85th the second week. The two weeks after that? 18th and 12th, respectively. What are the reasons for such a slow opening? I can’t answer that for sure, but I can say that if you look at last season’s writers in the top-10 for accuracy, most of them finished all over the map. I know it’s crude, but I think it’s because no one knows anything until they actually see real football. It’s crude as I said, it’s also easy. I don’t want to blame it on that, buuuuut, it does seem like the logical explanation. You know how we’ll know for sure? You guessed it… when the results for our Week 3 rankings come in. Behold, they are here, and hopefully, they are good. And speaking of good, did you know we have weekly projections? Rudy’s “Pigskinator” finished fourth overall in accuracy last week, and honestly, if you’re looking to find an edge (I’m looking at you people that are in high-stake leagues), I’m pretty sure you should check out our tools

Select the “Flex” tab if you need a more complete picture to decide your starts and sits. Use the “OP” tab for 2QB Leagues. And you can access our Half PPR and PPR rankings using the drop down box in the top left of our rankings when you select the RB, WR, TE, or Flex positions. Any and all questions will be answered below…