Doesn’t that title sound ominous? Be very afraid of Week Zero. Actually week zero is the best week. We can still look at the teams we drafted with upside and hope and furious excitement; I don’t know how many times since my drafts were completed I’ve just looked at my team and thought how awesome I did. Well, not all my teams; there are of course the ones where I felt I didn’t draft the best team I could, and those teams I look at and wonder how I screwed up the draft so bad. But even those teams may very well out perform the teams I loved post draft because, remember kids, managing your team is (more than) half the battle of a fantasy football season.
Take me on in the Razzball Commenter Leagues for a chance at prizes! Free to join, leagues still open!
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Anyway this is supposed to be an intro to FAAB, or Free Agent Acquisition Budget. If you read me last week (read me doesn’t sound right, does it?) you know I love auctions, and possibly why is the dollar sign ($$$) enters the fantasy football landscape and with FAAB we get even more $$$ signs.
I’ve tried to make sure every league I’m in uses FAAB as opposed to the antiquated waiver wire system. I’ve never liked the “normal” waiver wire system for free agents and found this style comes in two forms: some leagues use worst record to determine waiver priority, while others establish a waiver order (usually based on reverse draft order) and once the waiver priority is used they go back to the end of the queue. Both of these strategies can work to one’s advantage (in one league a guy actively plans to lose Week One, and most seasons that has allowed him to add a top guy).
Well me, I don’t think that’s fair. Same as with auction drafting, everyone should have a chance at every player, if they want them. So FAAB does just that. We are each given a certain dollar amount and for this column’s purposes we’ll use the standard $100. That $100 is for us to spend for the WHOLE season so you don’t want to shoot your proverbial wad too early. At quick glance guys we COULD be looking at after Week one that I show as free agents as of today in many leagues include: Brandon Oliver, Kerwynn Williams, Matt Jones, Devin Funchess, JJ Nelson, and Marquise Lee (who I like a lot). Now all of these guys may crap the bed, or not play at all but I just wanted to throw out a few guys to let you have an idea of who should be available after week one (just a little taste, don’t go doing anything crazy like adding these guys immediately).
The Zero week means there aren’t any guys to bid on yet but don’t worry; I’ll be with you every Tuesday with the guys you should be looking to add and at what price. So welcome to FAAB Razzball-style, I think you’ll like it here. Good luck Week One Razzballers and Razzballettes!