To start, or to sit? That is the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageously bad fantasy decisions, or to take arms against a sea of injury woes and clouded matchups, and by further educating oneself, end them. To lose—to writhe in anger, no more. Indeed, that is the question. To start Anthony Richardson in his NFL debut, or have him ride the pine. Do you roll with Breece Hall at home against Buffalo in Week 1, or wait and see how the Jets backfield shakes out? To start, or to sit. To sit, or to start. In some aspects of life, it is essential to sit before you start. Such is the case with the words before you. Take a seat, fire up that roster, and start reading. Week 1 start vs. sit begins now.
Please, blog, may I have some more?