We’ve all heard the jokes. We’ve all seen the ridiculous workout videos.

Is that Jameis Winston bobsledding?

“But Mr. Skorish, 30 Interceptions! Yada Yada I’m a stupid doodoo baby”

Yes, that really is what you sound like. I’m gonna lay down some cold hard truth for you right now.

Are you ready? This may not be a popular opinion, even among my fellow RazzBoys but here it is.

Taysom Hill is not a starting quarterback. 

Take that in. Breathe it in. Is he a great wildcat player? Absolutely.

Please, blog, may I have some more?

The Saints/Packers opener was one of the best season debuts I can remember.  Coming down to the final yard, both offenses put up huge numbers for us fantasy guys, both defenses/special teams made big plays, and we actually found out some usable information for some fake roster changes: Saints Backfield – Ingram’s the Guy:  Even […]

Please, blog, may I have some more?