Say hello to the only five teams that have a chance this year… our oldest friends, Mik McGivern, @MikMcGiv, and Phill Mountstephens, @PMountstephens, of the British & Irish Eagles Podcast, @BritishEagles, join AJ and Ryan to stack these five teams up against each other.

Plus, AJ draws his new car, makes bad audio decisions, and channels Mister Rogers, while Ryan learns that the timing of poor internet is not a choice. Colt will be back next week to reestablish order.

Check out the British & Irish Eagles Podcast and website through the Link Tree on their Twitter page.

With guests like Colleen Wolfe and Eagles Assistant Head Coach, Jamel Singleton, it’s not just the top Eagles fancast in the British Isles, but it’s run by the best guys in the biz, Mik, Phill, and our buddy Liam O’Neill, @LiamONeill_Keir, who wasn’t able to join for the episode.

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