This post is full of shizz that is given out only on a need to know basis, and thankfully you need to know!

First off, you will be happy to see that our Drafting Tiers have been updated.  Don’t ever tell me I don’t do anything for you!

Secondly, if you haven’t downloaded our fancy pants app then you just aren’t living! For all you iPhone cultists, here it be and for you Androids this be it. Oh, and it only costs zero. If you don’t have zero, well, I can’t help you.

And if you want to give it a good review I wouldn’t be pissed.

And lastly we have had a few spots open in our two Razzball Commenter Dynasty Leagues, so we are looking for a few good men or women who are ready for a battle royale!

If you have the huevos rancheros, give me a shout in the comments.