And so it begins. While this is the eleventh podcast of our “season”, this shall be known, henceforth, as the first podcast of the NFL season. You know it’s legit when I add in Old English vernacular. THOUEST THOU! Tehol and I briefly went over some news items like James Jones signing with Green Bay and Fred Jackson signing with Seattle. We then moved onto the first slate of games in Week 1, going over the fantasy implications and what to look for this Thursday, Sunday, and Monday. As an added twist, Tehol and I started a game of Pick ‘Em and you’re invited! At the end of the year, I’ll take note of all the games both of us pick on the pod along with your picks in the comment section. If you guys (and gals) end up beating both Tehol and myself, whichever listener has the highest total of correct calls, you’ll get a Razzball t-shirt of your choice, on me! So go ahead and list your Week 1 winners below in the comment section.

New to Daily Fantasy Football? I am too! I’m trying out this new free FanDuel’s contest, where half the league is guaranteed to win. If you want, you can join up with me! (Played FanDuel before? You can build a team for $5 for a chance of $100,000, part of a one million dollar prize pool!)

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Learn more about our 2024 Fantasy Football Subscriptions!

The best blend of accurate and bold weekly projections for QB/RB/WR/TE + PK + Defensive Teams and IDP as well as a kick-ass DFS lineup optimizer and projections for DraftKings, FanDuel, and Yahoo!

I’m still not sure why I called this pod the “pre-preseason” episode, but I’m sure it had something to do with the season fast approaching. MAYBE. Tehol and I went over the latest slate of presesason Week 3 games that happened during the weekend, more specifically about Randall Cobb and Tre Mason’s injuries, and the clusterf*ck that is the Washington quarterback situation. Also, we had a special guest, Matt from FanDuels, stop by and go over what we have in store this season for you guys daily fantasy wise. We then wrapped up the show going over Tehol‘s Disgrace and Delight rankings, always a treat. Mostly for Tehol… but a treat nontheless. Enjoy the show! (And don’t forget, if you want to take on Tehol or myself, we have leagues open in the RCL!)

Note: All of our rankings, projections, and values have been updated on Sunday and should be activated later today. They can be found here.

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Exclusive picture of the Packers' Front Office.

Exclusive picture of the Packers’ front office.

The world was not ready for yet another ACL casualty. I DREW THE LINE AT SHAUN SUISHAM. AND THAT LINE I DREW, THE ONE AT SHAUN SUISHAM? IT WAS CROSSED PEOPLE. Quite frankly my dear friends, that line has now been crossed ten-fold. More like a billion-fold actually. In today’s podcast, Tehol and yours truly go over some of the precarious situations that the Packers and Panthers now find themselves in with both their star receivers (Jordy Nelson and Kelvin Benjamin) done for the year. What happens to Davante Adams and David Funchess you might ask? Well, don’t worry, because we answer long and we answer hard. Whatever that means. We also go over other news around the league and talk a bit of Draft Strategy to get you ready for your upcoming drafts, which I’m sure are all in the Razzball Commenter Leagues. Right? RIGHT? Right. I mean, it’s a free league and you could win some pretty cool prizes… just saying.

Note: Because of the Jordypocalypse, all of our rankings, projections, and values have been updated and can be found here.

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After a week off, Tehol and I are back, and we’re bringing our IDP guru with us. Kevin stops by to hang out the entire Pod and talk, you guessed it! IDP stuff. Mainly his rankings, but we delve a bit into the strategy of the format as well. Along with that, we go over the recent injury status of Arian Foster, Tom Brady’s suspension being upheld, and how Jay Cutler is faring with his new offensive coordinator, Adam Gase. As an added bonus, I create the word “flatuate” when I think I meant “fellatiate”. So there’s that, I guess. Regardless, enjoy the show!

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Tehol finally came back from his vacation in Cleveland Canada, and was ready to pick apart my rankings. Along with discussing all the running backs and receivers and their rankings, Tehol and I also touched on the situation in Minnesota and pondered about Victor Cruz and last season’s injury. There was also five minutes where we talked about Donald Brown that I’d like back. And as is usual, we went over the latest episode of True Detective (1:22:00), which is really starting to blow up. In a good way. Things can blow up in good ways… Not really, but you get what I’m saying. At the very least, I think we all agree with Ani. (Sorta NSFW… maybe. It’s on the boarders.) As a bonus, we also talk a little bit about the new Suicide Squad and Dawn of Justice trailers. Enjoy!

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We’re going solo! With Tehol on vacation to a place where there’s no internet (SHOOOOOOOOOOOOORE), I had to go solo on the Pod this week. Where are you traveling where that has no internet Tehol? It’s 2015… So Cleveland. You’re in Cleveland. Got it. Despite not having my trusted yet always sleepy compatriot, I went ahead and reviewed the Razzball Quarterback Rankings, and then talked the newest episode of True Detective (Down Will Come), where proverbial sh*t hit the proverbial fan. There’s totally a proverb about that. (Spoilers starting at the 33:05 mark.) Regardless, enjoy Cleveland Tehol! I heard that they have a great football team there…

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Tehol and I are back again with another Podcast, as we went over my rankings of Tight Ends, Kickers, and Defense & Special Teams. If you wanted a teaser, my tight end is ranked first, in all things. If you know what I mean. Oh, you do. YOU DO. We also talked a little bit about the current news in the NFL, which is basically Antonio Gates being suspended for four games. How does that affect his ranking? Well, we answered that, and then devolved into our, what is now traditional, miscellaneous part (56:05) of the cast, and since there’s no Game of Thrones to talk about, we dive head first into the first three episodes of True Detective, promptly hitting concrete. We seriously have no idea what the ef is going on in this show… I mean, I do, and I tried to explain it, but then my computer exploded. But don’t worry, we found a little time to talk some Game of Thrones… FOR THE WATCH.

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Well, we did it! That’s right, a Game of Thrones only podcast. Obviously, we won’t be turning into a Game of Thrones website (though, this might actually be a good idea the more I think about it), but with the lack of any relevant football news, Tehol and I figured, why not? Especially with the finale airing this past Sunday, it seemed time. We were joined by Kevin, your IDP specialist and we went over the few episodes we hadn’t talked about yet, and then the big finale. Enjoy it, as we’ll have to wait like 8,000 days until the next season starts, and I’m just talking about football…

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Tehol and I had a special guest on the show, none other than the Razzball IDP Strategist (it’s all capitalized because it’s a real title) Kevin Kumpf. He joined us to talk about IDP strategy and why you, the readers (and listeners) should try the format if you haven’t already. We also go over Tom Brady’s current value, and if Carlos Hyde and Teddy Bridgewater are considered underrated players at the moment. Then comes our usual Game of Thrones discussion (38:22) where we talk about the last two aired episodes (Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken and The Gift), and try to figure out what happens next, especially to father of year, Stannis Baratheon. Then comes our discussion on Mad Max: Fury Road (1:30:45), probably the best action movie I’ve seen in the past 10 years, if not more. I also say the phrase “sexual maneuvers” twice on the show, so if that doesn’t sell it, nothing else will…

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As the title spoils, Tehol and I go over the happenings of the 2015 NFL Draft. We also go over some of the news coming out on Tom Brady (or as I call him, Dom Brady) along with how viable LeSean McCoy is as a racial expert. On top of that, we have our (which seems will be a recurring feature while the series is on-going) Game of Thrones review. If you like Fantasy Football or if you like Game of Thrones, you’ll be 50% happy. If you like both, oh man, do we have the perfect show for you, and you will certainly feel 100% happy. That’s just basic math right there folks. If you like neither, then I actually have no idea why you’re here…

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As you may have figured out by now, Nick is still on vacation, which has now probably been upgraded to a missing person’s report, but despite his one-year (?) sabbatical/kidnapping thingamajig, we still are here to bring you the most, well, vibrant auditory experience that we can. This is our first podcast of the 2015 Season, and Tehol and I are talking the NFL Draft, some random news and notes, along with some thoughts on Game of Thrones, the new Star Wars and Batman v. Superman trailers, and Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey sucking up the environment. Which they should be doing at all times. So here it is, your one stop destination to get you ready for the NFL Draft and life in general. (I may be fibbing on the last one.)

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